如首次登入, 预设密码是 "会员等级的首字母"+会员编号
例 1. 会员等级 : student, 会员编号 : 01234
例. 登入名: 01234,
密码: s01234
例 2. 会员等级 : MIFireE, 会员编号 : 01234
密码: m01234
备注: 会员编号应为 5 位数字,并带有0开头(如果有). 密码 有分大小写
The IFE (HK Branch) 62nd Annual Dinner was successfully held on 22 March 2024.
To foster and support the Institution of Fire Engineers in its object and so far as is possible within the structure of the Branch to subscribe to and carry out the object.